About ICOS

So what is ICOS?

ICOS, or the Interdisciplinary Committee on Organizational Studies, has the single goal of enhancing the University of Michigan’s strength as a world center for interdisciplinary research and scholarship on organizations. We seek to enrich the intellectual environment of Ph.D. students and faculty interested in organization studies, by increasing the quality, breadth, depth, and usefulness of organizational research.

What does ICOS offer?

  1. The Seminar: ICOS offers a weekly Friday seminar which brings together top organizational researchers to present their work. Any and all members of the University community are welcome to attend, whether or not they are registered for the 1 or 3 credit course.
    An ICOS video library of past seminars (1994-1998) is available through the Film and Video Library and is listed on Mirlyn. Recordings of our lectures are available on the website beginning in Fall 2007.
  2. Developmental Activities: We offer a series of opportunities for graduate students to deepen their understanding of scholarly work and careers. We hold periodic workshops (and an occasional retreat) on issues such as thesis topic selection, scholarly writing, journal reviewing, and careers outside the professorate. We hold a biannual Poster Session on Dissertations in progress and in alternating years, award the Likert Prize for organizational research stemming from UM dissertations.

How do I get more information or be added to the ICOS mailing list?

To join our email list, please complete this form.

For other questions, please contact: Jim Westphal, ICOS Co-Director (734) 936-2574 | email: westjd@umich.edu