Home / Lectures / Angela T. Hall, Michigan State University

Accounting For The Unaccounted: Examining Workplace Accountabilities for Underrepresented and Understudied Employees

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Angela T. Hall, Michigan State University



  • Winter 2023


Angela T. Hall

Lecture Time:

Fri, January 20, 2023 @ 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Lecture Location:

R0220, Ross building

Speaker Webpage(s):


Introduced By:

Silvia Navarro Hernandez


In this research, we examine employee populations that, while significant in their size and scope, have failed to receive significant attention from either accountability researchers or organizational scholars, overall (Hall, Hickox, Kuan, & Sung, 2017). These populations include minority workers, employees with disabilities, immigrants, contingent and other precarious workers, and low-income workers. The current body of accountability literature rests heavily on assumptions and data based on middle class, Western, Caucasian white-collar workers and college students (Norenzayan & Heine, 2005; Hall et al., 2017). While basic elements of accountability should exist across all employees, there are aspects of accountability that traditionally marginalized employees face which have not received the appropriate attention from researchers (Okazaki & Sue, 2016). All employees operate within a web of accountabilities (Frink & Klimoski, 1998). Workers must balance multiple and often competing accountabilities (Hall, Bowen, Ferris, Royle, & Fitzgibbons, 2007). Yet, research suggests that minority, female, immigrant, low-income, precarious workers (e.g., gig or contingent workers) or otherwise traditionally marginalized groups may have additional accountabilities that they must balance (O’Donnell, 2020). Thus, our research seeks to examine the following: 1. how do minoritized/marginalized identities prioritize their accountabilities and 2. what can employers do to assist these workers in balancing their additional accountabilities.

Recording & Additional Notes

Angela T. Hall, JD, PhD, is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University (MSU), School of Human Resources and Labor Relations (HRLR). She is also an affiliated faculty at MSU’s College of Law and MSU’s Center for Gender in a Global Context. Angela’s research interests include employee accountability, DEI, employee engagement, employee legal claiming, technology at work, international human resource management, and employee personality testing. Her research has appeared in Journal of Organizational Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology. Angela is also the host of a podcast series, People Talk with Angela Hall.