Home / Lectures / Asia Eaton, Florida International University

Workplace Discrimination at the Intersection of Race and Gender

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Asia Eaton, Florida International University



  • Fall 2019


Asia Eaton

Lecture Time:

Fri, September 20, 2019 @ 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Lecture Location:

R0220 Ross School of Business

Speaker Webpage(s):


Introduced By:

Kathy Robotham


Issues related to discrimination, belonging, and harassment in the workplace are intersectional (Cole 2009; Crenshaw 1989). That is, people are harassed, excluded, and discriminated against for a variety of social identities (e.g., class, sexuality, gender, age, race, size) which intersect and interrelate. In social and organizational psychology, efforts to understand and end workplace discrimination thus far have tended to focus on single dimensions of marginalization or privilege (e.g., gender), giving us an incomplete picture of how discrimination is enacted and experienced. In this talk, I will discuss research from the PWR (Power, Women, and Relationships) Lab that has used intersectionality theory and the stereotype content model to understand how discrimination manifests for employees based on their combined racial and gender identities. First, I will discuss published quantitative research with students Jessica Saunders and Ryan Jacobson on how STEM professors evaluate post-doc candidates based on the candidates’ race and gender, together. Next, I will discuss published and unpublished qualitative research with student Anna Kallschmidt on identity management and belonging among White men employees from working class and impoverished backgrounds. Finally, I will discuss work student Sarah Robinson and I are pursuing on how the use of certain dialectical styles (White American, urban African American, and Southern American) effects ratings of men employees in individual-structured telephone interviews. Implications of intersectional approaches for fair and just hiring practices and for diversity trainings and interventions will be discussed.

Recording & Additional Notes

Dr. Asia Eaton is a feminist social psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychology at Florida International University. She is a core faculty member in the I-O Psychology Program and the Developmental Psychology Program at FIU, and supervises Ph.D. students in both programs. Her research explores how gender intersects with identities such as race and sexual orientation to affect individuals’ access to and experience with social power in (1) the workplace and (2) intimate partner relationships. Asia is an Associate Editor for Psychology of Women Quarterly and a member of SPSSI leadership council. She has received the Emerging Leadership Award from the Committee for Women in Psychology (2019), SPSSI’s Outstanding Teaching and Mentoring Award (2019), and SPSSI’s Michele Alexander Early Career Award (2016). At FIU, she has won the most prestigious faculty award for advising and mentorship, as well as awards for engagement, research, and teaching.