Home / Lectures / Gloria González-Morales, University of Guelph

The Key is in the Resources: How Work Stress Theory Can Advance our Understanding of Organizational Phenomena


Gloria González-Morales, University of Guelph



  • Winter 2018


Gloria González-Morales

Lecture Time:

Fri, April 13, 2018 @ 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Lecture Location:

R0220 Ross School of Business

Speaker Webpage(s):

No speaker websites available.

Introduced By:

Hilary Hendricks


Theoretical models and empirical research in the area of work stress can be used to provide innovative perspectives in the study of organizational phenomena. In this lecture, I will discuss how occupational stress research can be applied to the study of various organizational processes and outcomes. Challenge stressors, such as the amount and scope of responsibility, can be loosely considered as “good stressors” that are consistently and positively related to job satisfaction and performance. I will present empirical results that illustrate the importance of studying the actual appraisal of challenge stressors in relation to distress, social exchange processes and performance. Given that challenge or opportunity appraisals are theoretically related to the availability of resources, I will present an extension of the Conservation of Resources Theory of stress using a longitudinal multilevel perspective of resource investment, gain and loss that can be applied to gender inequalities and dynamics in the workplace.

Recording & Additional Notes

I am associate professor of Psychology at University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada). I obtained my Psychology Degree at Universidad de La Laguna (Canary Islands, Spain) and completed my dissertation, awarded with the European PhD (Doctor Europaea), in 2006 at University of Valencia (Spain) in the Work and Organizational Psychology Interuniversity Doctoral Program. In 2007, I moved to Virginia (USA) to conduct research as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at George Mason University for two years. I was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Delaware for a year before starting at University of Guelph on 2010. My research involves the disciplines of occupational health psychology and positive organizational psychology and focuses on stress, work-life issues, victimization, incivility and civility, and positive organizational interventions to enhance well-being and performance. My research has been published in outlets such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Work & Stress and Journal of Organizational Behavior. I am an incoming associate editor (2018) of Work & Stress. An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations. (2016 Impact Factor: 3.400, 2017 Clarivate Analytics, 2017 Journal Citation Reports). In addition, I serve on the editorial boards of Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Stress & Health, Anxiety, Stress & Coping, and Occupational Health Science. For more information, please visit: https://www.uoguelph.ca/psychology/users/m-gloria-gonz%C3%A1lez-morales