Home / Lectures / New Trends in Information Technology
Voluntary Associations on the Net: A New Form of Social Organization

New Trends in Information Technology
- Fall 2002
Lecture Time:
Fri, November 15, 2002 @ 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Lecture Location:
Ross School of Business, Room D1273
Speaker Webpage(s):
Introduced By:
No introduction available.
“Voluntary Associations on the Net: A New Form of Social Organization”
Today the net supports vast numbers of people who voluntarily congregate electronically to pursue a common interest. Whereas the number of common-interest topics is boundless, many if not most of these voluntary congregations exhibit the same organizational form — the electronic voluntary association. I trace the development of this organizational form and contrast it with an earlier form of voluntary social organization that emerged about 100 years ago. Three attributes of this new organizational form are central to its character: participation at any time and any place, voluntary micro-contributions, and mechanisms to aggregate those micro-contributions. I explore their implications for social and community welfare.
Recording & Additional Notes
No recordings available.
Organizer: Bud Gibson,Computer and Information Systems, College of Business
Co-Sponsor: Computer and Information Systems Department
Introducer: Matthew Bietz, School of Information