Home / Lectures / Robert Hooijberg, International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
Being There Even When You Are Not

Robert Hooijberg, International Institute for Management Development (IMD)
- Winter 2009
Lecture Time:
Fri, January 23, 2009 @ 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Lecture Location:
Room K1310, Ross School of Business
Speaker Webpage(s):
Introduced By:
No introduction available.
Being There Even When You Are Not
Robert Hooijberg
Most of the research on leadership has focused on understanding how leaders influence others to follow them through interpersonal skills such as task and people oriented behaviors. These interpersonal skills indeed play a key role in delivering results through people. However, leaders at the strategic apex of large organizations rarely can influence all those who work in their organizations personally. The key question I want to address in this talk is: How then can these leaders deliver results through people? That is, how can they reach the members of their organizations to share their vision and values, engage with them, and persuade them to put forth their best efforts and ideas? How can executives shape their organizations to both deliver their products and services that they have identified as important and deliver the products in the way that the executives want?
Recording & Additional Notes
Co-Sponsor: Organizational Studies, Barger Leadership Institute
Introducer: Ned Wellman, Management & Organizations