Home / Lectures / Philippe Lorino, ESSEC Business School

The process of organizing as a dialogical and mediated inquiry: Methodological implications. The case of work safety on a construction site

Philippe Lorino, ESSEC Business School



  • Winter 2010


Philippe Lorino, Accounting and Management Control Department, ESSEC Business School

Lecture Time:

Fri, April 2, 2010 @ 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Lecture Location:

Room K1310, Ross School of Business

Speaker Webpage(s):


Introduced By:

No introduction available.


The process of organizing as a dialogical and mediated inquiry: Methodological implications. The case of work safety on a construction site

The starting question: If we adopt a process view of “organizing” rather than a static view of “organizations” (Weick 1969, Chia 1996, Cooper 2007, Nayak 2008, Tsoukas 2005, Tsoukas & Chia 2002, Yoo et alii 2006), what kind of process is the organizing process, and how can we study it?

First, as a social and human process, it differs from biological and physical processes insofar as it involves a specific type of agency: not the “dyadic” action / reaction agency of physical laws, but the “triadic” agency which involves sensemaking and interpretive perspectives (Peirce Vol. 8, paragraph 328, p. 220, Weick 1995, Weick & al. 2005). Second, it does not involve a single, but multiple sensemaking agents, with a plurality of interpretive perspectives, which permanently rebuild the sense of situations through dialogical interactions (Bakhtin 1981, Todorov 1981, Tsoukas 2009). Third, in this dialogical sensemaking process, collective activity is made an object of thought and meaning through semiotic mediations (Vygotski 1930/1978): systems of signs, languages and tooling, which allow reflexive thought, dialog, mobility and memory.

This type of process, which intertwines logical thought, narrative thought, action and tooling, (i) transforming the world, (ii) making sense of the action in-progress, (iii) using and developing systems of signs, is a collective inquiry in the pragmatist sense (Dewey 1938/1980). It has a narrative nature: the organizing process is the dialogical and mediated inquiry which builds the story of the collective activity in-progress.

After reviewing the relationships of this pragmatist and semiotic approach of the organizing process with other research streams about organizations (rational choices, taylorism, Simon’s cognitivism, Weick’s collective sensemaking, practice-based studies, process studies…), the three basic concepts adopted in this approach: inquiry, semiotic mediation and dialogism will be further explored. Semiotic mediation dynamically links situated experience and generic classes of meanings. Inquiry articulates logical thinking, narrative thinking and experimenting. Dialogism conceptualizes the production of meaning through the situated interactions of actors.

Implications for research methods will be examined. A methodological approach based on those concepts, “the dialogical and mediated inquiry” (DMI), is experimented in a case study about work safety in the construction industry.

Finally the specific contributions and limits of this theoretical and methodological approach will be discussed.

Key words: activity, dialogism, habit, inquiry, organizing, process, safety, semiotic mediation, sensemaking.

Bakhtin, Mikhail M. 1981 The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays. M. Holquist (ed), Austin: University of Texas Press, Slavic Series.
Chia, Robert 1996 Organizational Analysis As Deconstructive Practice. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Cooper, Robert 2007 ‘Organs of process: Rethinking human organization’. Organization Studies 28/10: 1547-1573.
Dewey, John 1938/1980 Logic: The Theory of Inquiry. New York: Henry Holt, reprinted 1980 New York: Irvington Publishers.
Latour, Bruno and Madeleine Akrich 1992 ‘A Summary of a Convenient Vocabulary for the Semiotics of Human and Nonhuman Assemblies’, in Wiebe E. Bijker and John Law eds.: Shaping Technology / Building Society: Studies in Sociotechnical Change, chapter 9: 259-264, Cambridge MA: The MIT Press.
Nayak, Ajit 2008 ‘On the way to theory: A processual approach’. Organization Studies 29/2: 173-190.
Peirce, Charles Sanders (1903/1960) Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Todorov, Tzvetan (1981) Mikhail Bakhtine: Le principe dialogique. Paris: Seuil. English translation: 1984 Mikhail Bakhtin: The dialogical principle (theory & history of literature). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
Tsoukas Haridimos (2009) ‘A dialogical approach to the creation of new knowledge in organizations’, Organization Science, 20/6: 941-957.
Tsoukas Haridimos 2005 Complex knowledge. Studies in organizational epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tsoukas, Haridimos and Robert Chia 2002 ‘On organizational becoming: Rethinking organizational change’. Organization Science 13/5: 567-582.
Vygotsky, L. S., 1930/1978, Mind in Society: the Development of Higher Psychological Processes. M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, E. Souberman (eds.). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Weick, Karl E. 1995 Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Oaks (Cal.): Sage.
Weick, K. E., 1969, The Social Psychology of Organizing. Reading, Mass.: Addison- Wesley.
Weick, K.E., Sutcliffe, K.M. and D. Obstfeld, 2005, Organizing and the process of sensemaking. Organization Science 16, 409-421.
Yoo, Youngjin, Richard J. Boland and Kalle Lyytinen (2006) ‘From organization design to organization designing’. Organization Science 17/2: 215-229.

Recording & Additional Notes

Introducer: Heather Beasley, School of Education