Home / Lectures / Lisa Finkelstein, Northern Illinois University

Nobody likes you when you’re 23: Our quest to understand age metastereotyping


Lisa Finkelstein, Northern Illinois University



  • Winter 2023


Lisa Finkelstein

Lecture Time:

Fri, March 24, 2023 @ 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm

Lecture Location:

R0220, Ross building

Speaker Webpage(s):


Introduced By:

Grace Hochrein


Today’s workforce has a broader age range but less stratification by age than in the past – this leaves us more likely to interact with coworkers, supervisors, mentors, and direct reports who may not fit into our normative expectations for what is age appropriate. Moreover, we are bombarded with cultural messages about the supposed values, characteristics, attitudes, and desires of members of generations, making salient age-related stereotypes and potentially false expectations. Stereotyping has been the major explanatory process in age-related discrimination and mistreatment at work, but we are just recently starting to include a focus on the role of the age metastereotyping process to better understand interage interactions. In this talk Dr. Finkelstein will describe her past, current, and future work on age metastereotyping in the workplace.

Recording & Additional Notes

Lisa M. Finkelstein (Ph.D., Tulane University, 1996) is a Professor and Program Director of Social-I/O Psychology at Northern Illinois University, where she has served on the faculty for over 26 years. Her scholarship is primarily in the areas of age stereotyping, metastereotyping, and discrimination, stigma in the workplace, mentoring, high potential identification, and humor at work. Lisa serves on several editorial boards and has served SIOP as a member of the Executive Board, Conference Chair, and Program Chair. She received the 2016 SIOP Distinguished Contributions to Service Award, the 2023 SIOP Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award, is a Fellow of SIOP, and has received several recognitions at NIU for her mentoring and teaching.