Home / Lectures / Myles Durkee, University of Michigan, Department of Psychology
Psychological Implications of Cultural Invalidations and Racial Code-Switching

Myles Durkee, University of Michigan, Department of Psychology
- Fall 2021
Lecture Time:
Fri, September 10, 2021 @ 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Lecture Location:
R0220, Ross Building
Speaker Webpage(s):
Introduced By:
Brianna Ross
This presentation examines how cultural invalidations and racial code-switching are associated with ethnic-racial identity development, mental health, and occupational outcomes among people of color. Cultural invalidations are identity threats that challenge the authenticity of a person’s membership within their racial group, and racial code-switching is the process of modifying one’s behavior to adhere to the norms of specific racial groups in different contexts. Implications regarding the psychological costs and benefits of cultural invalidations and racial code-switching will be discussed.
Recording & Additional Notes
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