Home / Lectures / Ron Burt, University of Chicago
Trust and Cooperation Beyond the Network

Ron Burt, University of Chicago
- Fall 2022
Lecture Time:
Fri, November 11, 2022 @ 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Lecture Location:
R0240, Ross School of Business, Lower Level
Speaker Webpage(s):
Introduced By:
Megan Gabruk
My premise is that understanding trust beyond a network is essential to enhancing creativity and achievement within the network. I build on three anchor results (anchor results are strong, robust empirical results likely to be found in quality research): (1) Network brokers are more creative and successful than other people. (2) Returns to network brokerage are contingent on broker reputation in a target market – poor reputation means poor returns to brokerage. (3) Trust and reputation are facilitated and maintained in densely-connected, closed networks.
But brokers usually operate outside the network around a target audience, so they operate beyond reputation governance within the network. Our wireless world has us each more aware of how we and our friends are different from people beyond our network. Much of what we see and hear, we do not like. Intolerance and abuse of people beyond our network is the fundamental issue targeted here.
I use well-established network theory to predict “trust reversal:” The conditions that encourage trust and cooperation within a network have a by-product; they reverse to encourage suspicion and abuse beyond the network. Successful people are especially prone to the bias. Initial results are intriguingly supportive.
Recording & Additional Notes
Ronald Burt is the Charles M. Harper Leadership Professor of Sociology and Strategy and the University of Chicago, and a Distinguished Professor at Bocconi University. He studies the ways that social networks create competitive advantage in careers, organizations, and markets (see http://ronaldsburt.com/research/index-research.html for downloads). His work is foundational to theory and research on social networks in organizational theory and behavior, economic sociology, and strategic management, among many other fields. He has received many prestigious awards and distinctions, including the Simmel Award, the George R. Terry Book Award, and the Distinguished Scholar Award from the Organization and Management Theory Division of the Academy of Management. He was elected to the Fellows of the Academy of Management in 2016 and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1993. He earned a bachelor’s degree in social and behavioral science from Johns Hopkins University in 1971 and a PhD in sociology from the University of Chicago in 1977. He was previously the Shell Professor of Human Resources at INSEAD, and spent two years as the Vice President of Strategic Learning at Raytheon Company.